Saturday, August 30, 2008

Gustav threatens coast

As Gustav swells to Category 3 and is projected to hit anywhere between Texas and Florida, NSNC members recall images of the city from our conference only two months past.

Louisiana and Mississippi have already called for evacuation of residents along the Katrina-scarred coast. There is a phased order to evacuation -- those in coastal communities or outside protection of levees are first. Hundreds may fall through the cracks of an evacuation plan, and they will be left in the city.

Eight-five unclaimed victims of Katrina were laid to final rest Friday as a jazz trumpet played. Residents and city officials rang bells at the moment the levee was breached three years ago, on the anniversary of the storm.

We remember our own jazz parade and the city’s friendly people. What about our colleagues who live there and those journalists we met at the convention who covered the Katrina disaster? What about the animals at the aquarium? What about those we met who returned to the city to rebuild? What about St. Bernard and the Lower Ninth Ward?

We remember the theme of our conference, “New Orleans, you are not forgotten.” The impersonal face of disaster has become personal. We are glued to the news – not wanting to see, but unable to stop looking.

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